Sunday, March 29, 2009

MBA : A Perspective

In India, we have the habit of overdoing things. Whether it be Cricket, Bollywood or even for that matter IT industry. It is in some way a reflection of the depleted society we are living in where there is a serious dearth of heroes ,a vacuum that has to be filled by political figurehead. We aggrandize even the minutest of our achievements , revel at others success as if all the gains are to acrue to us. A similar is the fate of ours with MBA education.
For a developing country like ours , we are always in search of tokens , reaffirming that India has finally arrived on the world economic map. Though benefits derived from the fruits of development should be guiding us in this respect , we just have never had the opportunity to experience it ourselves for they never percolated so deep down the stratum.
And now that the dream has gone sour , it seems we are just back to square zero. Things that were iconic are now being relegated to the backyards.
MBA is just one of the victims. To begin with MBA education like Engineering is not a noble education. It is all about making money for yourself and your business. Society comes in but only in extraction of resources. So when we put MBA education in hallowed portals , we just were not prudent enough.It was naivety to say the least.
This current economic recession has brought in a much needed rationalization. Earlier every Tom , Dick and Harry was a financial whiz , tantamount a runner on crutches challenging Usman Bolt to full country marathon. It was bound to fail , it had no reason whatsoever to be successful. And now that it has happened why are we crying foul? It is because we do not work on Logic, we see a third force coming to our rescue to bring Orderliness.
Our media has played a pivotal role in setting the mess we are in. Journalism has become subservient to government and business agendas. A true reflection is that neither the journalist led by our very own DD News exhibit neutrality and objectivity in reporting events. Even before the trial begins, the judgment is pronounced at the altar of public opinion. And who builds public opinion , again the media. So what they preach is what they get , a classic example of Cob Web Phenomenon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


The blog written is really thought provoking and do give 'a perspective' to look at MBA education in India. But the statement that MBA education is not a noble one, is not correct. Any education, which leads to positive construction is a noble education. Like any other field of education MBA also has the share of responsibilities which are important for society and the country. Even, if looked deeply every operation requires management.

Also, the insane thoughts for India and Indians are very rude and harsh. The blog presents the problems India has but not tried to look why these problems are there. The attitude of society develop according to the environment in which it nurtures. As with my experience away from India, i can say that I got a great opportunity to analyze my country and say that to improve we, as individuals, should build confidence in ourselfs, our people, our country and work on controlable aspects instead of keep on pondering over the factors which we can't control.