Saturday, June 23, 2007

I am sane again

It has been revived . After lying so low under the burden of the most competetive exam , the desire to excel at job is staring me head on. I would have never thought myself to have been bitten by this bug .Alas ! I have been proved wrong , so let the benefactors rejoice . Let the one's who stand to gain start minting money . I tend to obliviate myself of the gains accruing to them . The only factor compelling reason for me to go down the wire ostentiably is my call to be at the pinnacle while on a more modest note it the ridiculous realization of the shame of still struggling with things , whom I should have the mastered by now .
The other big role is that of the impatience and the pathetic nature of work and work conditions that expedite the process of making a shift imminent . Competition is still ther eon the list but only lower down the order . The thing that surprisingly overpowers it is the desire to get hold of the coveted proficient worker's tag. Oops sounds too mundane ..... Yeah it is ...

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