Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Eternal Positive

I recently have come across a person who has shown me light at the end of the day or to put it the correct raised more questions than answered for the philanthropic types. He is neither some religious cult guru nor an intellectual (PSEUDO MORE OFTEN THAN NOT) of copious armoury , he is infact the mortal types , a simple daily wage earner who also happens to work at my place .
Hailing from one of the most backward parts of Bihar , living here all alone and just out of his teens , this person has tremendous endurance and a commitment far too tenacious to match. He earns a daily wage of $ 2.22 with an uncertainity of work waiting for him the next day . The work environment is the last thing on his mind . It may not come as a surprise if these are the facts that never occur to his mind , where he is more often than occupied with the struggle of daily chores. Living on some obscure outskirts of the city , he shares his room with some 6-7 odd people , all vying for that elusive space in this dingy cellar. But these bitterness have in no way diminished his appetite to work and to work hard . He displays a commitment , a strong desire to pick things , a deep rooted commitment to work and punctuality which I for one am guilty of compromising on many occasions and above all I suspect a deep rooted desire to make good of his life this time .
But the irony of fate is this chap has never been to school. All his dreams that are sown in him I fear shall be buried without the foundation of education that is so imperative to break the shackles . It is not that education will lead to nirvana from the blot of backwardness , but without it the struggle worsens further .
Isn't it the fault of the system that such a tenacious talent has been allowed to go waste? Even if he slams and slogs hard , he may not be able to reach upto what he deserves! Another life has beentthrown into the vicious circle of sustenance ! What a pity ... What a Pity !
Even we , the so called haves with a desire to make some difference to their battered lives run out of resources, for the starting material to put them into the trajectory "The 3 R's " make a void far too difficult to bridge.

As for their career path , from the current earnings he can hope to reach the level of $ 4 per day , but even that is not good enough in the Ides Of March .
The Ides Of March are here to stay .... and Make them toil hard .....

At the end the moral of the story is .... I am so much overwhelmed by their misery , that a solution seems out of sight .... but that is my limitation for every problem has a solution and there is no reason that their's woes and plight cannot have one.

.!!!Think Red!!! .

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