Saturday, June 23, 2007

I am Crossed .

The times can be cruel as cruel as they can be . All the efforts put in can be squandered in a moment , that can merciless to say the least.
But hope keeps one afloat I am no exception to this. A hope that belies rationality , the imminent that is to come. But besides this suvvour a nagging fear still lurks .

The current state of affairs and the affairs of the state just juxtapose the current disposition . It has been close to two and a half years , the issue of discussion is still whether Sonia Gandhi or ManMohan can deliver . Even if they , the question is what prevented them from doing so. This duo has only been able to rake up the issue of reservations with no qualms , aggrandize secular credentials , let it's ministers be on the prowl for publicity stunts . But who is to blame .. it is only the politicians and the vicious circle that they have managed to preserve.

And coming back the CAT thing . I 'll start what the f**k were the examiners trying to test . All the prepartion that one has put in turns out to be big cipher . Everyday you see the cut off touching the sky rocketing levels . People from mediocrity scoring so hevily that they must have even the paper setters to shame . And what purpose does it serve to have mathematics as lolly as it was this time. Well the paper setters have left more questions unaswered literally . Till they answer to my plaed of this , I am keeping myself relaxed for I am alrerady crossed .

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